Is the Treatment of Sihr with Sihr Lawful
Is the Treatment of Sihr with Sihr Lawful
Ibn Qudama stated: “If sihr is treated with the recitation of some of verses of the Qur’an or some invocations, then there is nothing wrong with it As for the treatment of sihr with sihr.
is Learning Sihr Lawful?
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar reported: “The verse {‘We (the Jinn) are but a temptation; do not disbelieve indicates that learning sihr is an act of disbelief
Ibn Qudama reported: That learning or teaching sihr is an unlawful act is an uncontroversial issue among scholars as far as we know, The Hanbalists hold that a person becomes an unbeliever if he learns to practise sihr, whether he believes in sihr as lawful or unlawful
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